Monday, October 17, 2011

It's Official... We're Outta Here

You can find the new blog at

So long, Blogger. It's been real...

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Epoch Art is Moving!

Due to chronic issues I've had with the GFC (Google Friends Connect) widget since I started this blog, as well as the intermittent failing of the Kontactr contact form plugin, I have decided to leave Blogger for good. It's been a fun few months here, but my new blog is on the very robust WordPress platform, hosted on my dedicated server, and my own URL. Ironically, I was able to use a fantastic plugin to get the GFC widget to work on WordPress, so those of you who emailed me asking how you could follow the blog, you'll be able to do so with a working GFC widget available on the new blog. Existing followers/members will need to sign up again, unfortunately.

The issues with Blogger were not the only reason I decided to leave, however. WordPress is simply much more robust and has tons of plugins available. I had intentions of finding a way for direct purchase of my works, so I have a link to a storefront which I will be setting up in the near future, allowing those of you who want to buy comics directly the ability to do so. The new blog also has a great lightbox setup and gallery options. I kept the look and feel mostly the same, however, since I do enjoy the layout of the blog and its simplicity. But aesthetically speaking, it is definitely 'prettier'. I think you'll enjoy it.

The wait won't be long, either. I am relaunching the blog on Monday, October 17th and will let you all know where to point your browsers in order to access it. So stay tuned, and thanks for all of your support my friends, fans, and fellow artists! It is because of you that I continue to work hard at giving you the best!

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